School Uniform
The school policy is that there is a compulsory school uniform which all of the children wear. We are very happy for girls or boys to wear any item on the list below. :
Clothing in the school colours is obtainable at a reasonable price from a large number of local suppliers. Some items of uniform can also be ordered from school with the school logo on it.
- White or blue shirt, polo shirt or blouse.
- Royal blue jumper or cardigan.
- Grey pinafore dress, skirt or trousers.
- Blue Gingham checked dress.
- Black shoes.
For PE we ask that pupils wear blue or white shirts, black or navy shorts and trainers or plimsolls. Jewellery of any kind should not be worn for PE.
All clothing, footwear and equipment must be clearly marked with the child’s name. We cannot accept responsibility for lost clothing.